Abstract Paper Submission
A panel proposal emphasizes the discussion of an important theme and must contain title, abstract, 3-4 involved speakers, objectives, and detailed content to be discussed. The maximum number of pages for a panel proposal is three, and the authors are required to use the for papers. The duration of a panel is 90 minutes. The Scientific Programme Committee will review panel proposal submission, and accepted proposals will be available on the conference CD-ROM.
A workshop/tutorial proposal requires active engagement of the audience, and must contain title, abstract, involved speakers, learning objectives, subject domain to be discussed and expected achievements and outcomes. This year we will have two types of workshops – workshops to explore scientific issues and workshops with a learning objective (tutorial style). Please state the type of tutorial you intend to perform.
The maximum number of pages for a workshop proposal is three. The duration of a workshop is 90-120 minutes, Half day or full day session
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- All abstracts must be submitted online through the abstract portal - Click Here
- All abstracts must be submitted in English, font Times New Roman, size 12.
- Abstract title to be limited to 200 characters in BOLD UPPER CASE.
- There have to be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 keywords per abstract.
- To ensure that the greatest opportunity for participation in NCMI 2014 is made available to researchers and institutions, authors may appear in multiple submissions but may have only ONE submission considered where they are the presenting author.
- You should indicate your Presentation Type preference when submitting your abstract. However the decision on whether your abstract, if accepted, should be presented as Oral or Poster Presentation will be at the sole decision of the Abstract Review Committee.
- Some special sections are proposed which may enable them for a travel grant or reduced registration fee. These are as follows (the exact amount to be provided will depend on the number of proposals received and found suitable since a limited amount has been budgeted for the same)
- Delegates from countries of the the Asia – Pacific Region which do not as yet have affiliation with IMIA/APAMI. Very high quality papers (they have to specially marked – for competition and the reviewers find the quality to be commiserate)
- Submitters must indicate whether they are submitting an oral, poster for the NCMI 2014 by choosing the appropriate presentation category. Those desirous of participating in the competition section have to tick that section. (Please note- if you are applying for a competition section, withdrawal of the paper or refund of your registration will not be an option – even if the paper is not found of suitable quality
Conference Themes
- IT for healthcare delivery and management
-Health data acquisition and management
- Healthcare knowledge management and decision support
- Hospital information system planning and implementation
- Healthcare communication networks and environments
- Interactions with health information technologies
- Scientific Paper ©
- Student Paper ©
- Innovation in Practice ©
- Scientific Demonstration
- Tutorial
- Workshop
Important Information
Abstract text to be limited to 3000 characters and is to be structured within the following headings:
Objectives: (indicate the purpose of the study or hypothesis that was tested)
Methods: (include the setting for the study, the subjects, and the type of statistical analysis; if references are needed, they should be given in the text)
Results: (present as clearly as possible the outcome of the study and statistical significance if appropriate)
Conclusion: (briefly discuss the data and emphasize the significance of the results)
The full text of your submission has to be provided along with the abstract for those wanting to participate in the competition section –Maximum 6 pages for full paper (including tables, figures and references) and one to two pages for posters.
For those who do not want to participate in the competitive section will be asked to complete the submission in the above format for publication in IJMI if their paper is accepted.
- Last date for submission is 16 Aug 2014. Papers sent beyond this deadline will not be considered.All submissions shall go through an extensive peer review process through a pre-selected peer review committee.
- Peer review shall be singly blinded with adequate safeguards regarding conflict of interest etc.
- The decisions of the peer review committee cannot be challenged
- Authors selected for oral and poster presentation will be informed by 30 Aug 2014.
- All accepted submissions (which are also presented) shall be published in Indian Journal for Medical Informatics (IJMI) – which is the official publication of IAMI and also is indexed in the IMSEAR database and through that the abstracts shall be available through pubmed,
- This special issue of IJMI shall be released during the conference with all the accepted papers
- Authors shall be provided a period of 4 weeks after acceptance to get camera ready proofs their paper ready for publications with another 4 weeks for proofing corrections.
- Notices and instructions will be sent to the presenting author’s e-mail address provided at the time of abstract submission.
- Please also indicate clearly which country does the presenting author belongs to. Special assistance will be provided for delegates from Asia Pacific but not from one of the following countries which are APAMI members- Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka as well as not from the countries with national organizations affiliated with MEAHI (Middle East Association of Healthcare Informatics)
- Delegates from all IMIA affiliated organizations whether or not from the APAMI region can participate in the competition section. However, on being selected the award shall be of a fixed amount assuming travel from a country of the APAMI region.
- Presenting Author can avail 10% discount on the registration fee by registering online and paying within 15 days from the date of submission of the abstract (amount less service tax will be refunded if abstract is not accepted). Your registration discount code will be sent to you by email on submission of the abstract. Authors whose abstract has been accepted would be required to register and pay the registration fee by 30th July 2014 to attend the meeting, and make the presentation. Only submissions of registered and paid delegates will be allowed to present and only these papers shall be published in IJMI
- Withdrawal of paper and refund of registration is not an option for applications under the competition section – even if the submission has not been found suitable.
- Abstracts must be original and must not have been published or presented at any other meeting.
- Abstracts selected for presentation during the conference will be printed from the electronically submitted material. Every effort will be made to reproduce the content of the abstracts as submitted. The Abstract Review Committee does not proof-read or correct spelling, typographical, grammatical, or scientific errors, nor can changes be made once the abstract is submitted.
- For publication however the IJMI editorial committee shall be separately talking to all the authors after their camera ready proofs are submitted.
- All decisions of the review committee are final